Thursday, August 8, 2013

Gettign ready for school year 2013-2014

Our official day back to work is Monday, the 12th. I've been here a few times since then. I always enjoy looking at my classroom and knowing this is time to make changes. "Set up right this year" says the voice in my head. Three days in and I'm still thinking about the most conducive set up for what I want to accomplish this year.

So I stop working on that and decide that I will start a blog. "A blog?" Yes, a blog. "We've tried this before..." Yes, but not about my classroom and this is something I feel passionate about. Let's face it, blogging about my goal to eat healthy and shed a few pounds isn't very interesting, not even to me. So here are my goals:
  • I want to create a place for parents to visit and see what's going on in the classroom. I also will list some local activities to help families keep the learning happening at home.
  • I want to create a place for other professionals to visit to see what's happening inside the Anhinga classroom. Steal some ideas if you want. Give me some ideas, too.
  • I want to create a place for me to keep record of all the wonderful things that happen this year. I want to look back and remember all the fun we had. Let's face it! Kindergarten is a blast!
Welcome to The Diary of an Anhinga: Accounts from a Kindergarten Classroom. I hope you will enjoy what you find. I hope you will keep reading. Please leave comments and feedback.

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